Battle Chess: Chess with Explosions

Chess is about conventional warfare. But conventional warefare is boring. We need some… nukes.
Battle Chess is like Chess, but every piece has a special ability. One of these abilities might involve a nuke.
Disclaimer: I made this game when I was in Elementary school. It sounded cool. I make no claims as to the game having more deep strategic play than Chess. But it does involve more explosions.
Pawn - The Slingshot
Whenever three pawns on the same team are in a triangle formation facing the direction the pawns are headed in (like the black pawns in this image), the middle pawn may be slingshotted forward any number of unoccupied squares in a straight line until it hits a square occupied with a piece. Both that piece and the pawn are destroyed.
Knight - The Armed Personnel Carrier
If a pawn is adjacent to a Knight of the same team, the pawn and the knight can be moved as one group in the same move. The pawn must land on an unoccupied space next to the location of the Knight the same way it started (that is, if the pawn was right behind the Knight, it must land right behind the Knight afterwards).
If the pawn cannot land on an unoccupied space, the Knight can still move alone (but can’t carry that pawn with it).
Neither the Knight nor the pawn can make a capture if this maneuver is used. The Knight may either capture or transfer, but not both.
Bishop - The Saboteur
If a Bishop would capture a piece, you may choose to destroy the Bishop in exchange for converting the destroyed piece to your team.
Rook - The Defending Wall
If the King is put in check or checkmate, and there is a Rook adjacent to the King, the Rook may be destroyed and the King put in the Rook’s location. This cannot be done if the end result would still put the King in check.
The King is a boring piece, so it has no special ability. Consider it social commentary about the relationship of the nobility to the common people.
Queen - The Nuke
After a Queen is done moving, she may “nuke”, where all pieces (allied or opposing) adjacent to the Queen destroyed, including the Queen herself. The King (allied or opposing) is unaffected by the Nuke.